In Ukraine, there are several stages of pension increase, each of which raises payments to a particular category of pensioners, and one of these is Age-related pension supplements for the elderly who need help the most. Answering your common questions, I am explaining how and to whom the supplements are paid under the program of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. Age supplements on the PF website - https://www.pfu.gov.ua/kr/428074-pry-... Narodna Dumka main thoughts and news of Ukraine and Ukrainians in an accessible format: • Narodny Tik-Tok - / narodnadumka • Narodny TELEGRAM - https://t.me/NarodnaDum • Live Facebook - / dubrovskijlive • Narodnad Instagram - / narodnad Support of the people's channel, sponsorship: / @NarodnaDumka #January1st #Pensioners' Supplement #PensionIncrease #AgeSupplements #NarodnaDumka #ZelenskyyPresident