We are on Telegram: https://t.me/news_lv/ We are on VK: https://vk.com/news_lv Mother of many children Olga Shtumpf literally fled from Germany to Russia with four children. She sent her eldest 17-year-old daughter to Moscow alone a year ago when she realized that they were trying to take her away from the family. She secretly left with the younger ones (15, 10 and 7 years old) at the beginning of this summer, without even waiting for the end of the school year. In an interview with journalist Alexey Stefanov, Olga Shtumpf said that she could no longer tolerate the rabid Russophobia, the imposition of the LGBT agenda and the constant fear of reprisals from the juvenile justice system with the removal of children from the family. Only because Olga is Russian and has not changed her Russian passport for a German one in two decades of living in Germany. Olga told us what the family had to endure in Germany over the past year and a half, why children born in Germany know Russian well and consider Russia their homeland, and what they feel when they find themselves on Russian soil. “The eldest daughter Dasha loves Russia so much that when we were driving – this is a true story – she started learning the anthem right in the car. And when we crossed the border, she asked to stop the car and take a photo of her on Russian soil. She said: “That’s it, Mom, we’ve come home.” It moved me to tears,” Olga Stumpf said. Subscribe to our channel: / @news_lv