This site introduces the everyday scenes of the Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (Naka-ku, Higashi-ku, Nishi-ku and Kita-ku). Enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere with background music. ▼BGM PeriTune [Free BGM] Gentle music box tune "Music-box_Gentle" https://peritune.com/blog/2016/03/03/... [Free BGM] Gorgeous Taisho Romantic tango "TaishoRoman_Theme" https://peritune.com/taishoroman_theme/ [Free BGM] Gentle piano solo "Recollection" https://peritune.com/blog/2022/05/03/... ▼Image Pexels Video https://www.pexels.com/ja-jp/videos/ ▼Source Nagoya Then and Now Photo Collection Volume 1 From Castle Town to Modern City Jurinsha https://jurinsha.com/SHOP/978-4-90273... ▼Recommended video Relaxed History Channel [Old Nagoya] Be moved by the story from the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods (pre-war, the Great Nagoya Air Raid, and post-war reconstruction)! The thumbnail is the Meitetsu Seto Line "Ohori tram." • [Old Nagoya (Compilation)] Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods (prewar, Nagoya air raid, postwar reconstruction... [Old Nagoya 2] Valuable photos of people in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, from the Meiji and Taisho periods to the Chunichi Dragons' first championship in 1954, arranged in chronological order. Enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere with the background music. • [Old Nagoya] From the Meiji and Taisho periods to the Chunichi Dragons' first championship in 1954, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, we have arranged these precious photos in chronological order. Enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere with the background music. • [Old Nagoya] Time leap to the nostalgic Showa retro townscape of Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (Chikusa Ward, Showa Ward, Mizuho Ward, Moriyama Ward, Meito Ward, Tenpaku Ward)! Enjoy the nostalgic charm of the good old days. • [Old Nagoya (Eastern)] Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (Chikusa Ward, Showa Ward, Mizuho Ward, Moriyama Ward, Meito... [Old Nagoya (Southwest)] Travel back to the good old days of the Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (Atsuta Ward, Midori Ward, Minami Ward, Minato Ward, Nakagawa Ward, Nakamura Ward)! You will be touched by the photos filled with nostalgic charm. • [Old Nagoya (Southwest)] Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (Atsuta Ward, Midori Ward, Minami Ward, Minato Ward, Nakagawa Ward, Nakamura Ward)... [Old Nishi-Owari] Aichi Prefecture's Ichinomiya City, Inazawa City, Ama City, Tsushima City, Aisai City, Daiji Town, Kanie Town, Yatomi City, Tobishima Village: You will be touched by the documentary of people living strong lives from the early Showa era, post-war reconstruction, the Ise Bay Typhoon to the 1960s. • [Old Nishi-Owari] Aichi Prefecture's Ichinomiya City, Inazawa City, Ama City, Tsushima City, Aisai City, Daiji Town, Kanie Town... [Nagoya City, Aichi] Comparing old photos of Nagoya Castle, which was burned in an air raid, with current photos, the castle's appearance from the past comes back to life. • [Old Nagoya Castle] Comparing old photos of Nagoya Castle, which was burned in an air raid, with current photos, the castle's appearance from the past comes back to life. #OldNagoya #ShowaNagoya #OldPhotos