This is the third game in the series of "Old Coin Pusher Friends," an online cooperative coin pusher game set in the Edo period. In this game, there is a sugoroku game themed on the Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido, and various events occur depending on the square you land on. Work together with other players to defeat monsters, punish evil magistrates, and aim for the jackpot. As you progress through the game, you can improve your abilities in various ways. Available on Steam ↓ https://store.steampowered.com/app/30... Kiyo, Ushizawa, Retort, and Gatchman will prepare by watching the old coin video and try the game themselves! (Sales Promotion ◆ Subscribe to the channel → http://goo.gl/bbSz68 Subscribing to the channel and leaving a comment will encourage him ▼He's also on Twitter → /gatchman666 ■On his sub-channel, he also broadcasts live gameplay as a Vtuber → /@gatchmanv666 Videos are meant to be watched, games are meant to be played. If these videos have sparked even the slightest interest in games, or horror games, I hope that one day you will experience the fear and excitement with your own hands and overcome it safely. Complete the game. I think that is also a great achievement.