April 14, 1682 in the Arctic Pustozersk was a fiery one. They burned Archpriest Avvakum. But before he died, Avvakum raised his hand with two fingers folded and shouted to the crowd: "Keep the old faith!" 16 years before that, in 1666, at the Great Moscow Council, supporters and opponents of the new faith finally parted ways. A church schism occurred. 350 years have passed since then, and it is time to plunge into history again. Why did people need the old faith? Why did some find salvation in fire, while others saw punishment? About the history of the Old Believer movement, the way of life, faith and principles of the Old Believers, watch the first episode of the documentary series "Old Believers". _______ Dear viewers, we apologize for the inaccuracy in our film. In his sermons and letters, Archpriest Avvakum did not call for self-immolation!