Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/amamontov/?... In the middle of the 17th century, an event occurred in Russia, the echoes of which we feel to this day. There was a church schism. As a result, the people were divided into Old Believers and followers of the new style. Who started the church reform? Why were the Old Believers persecuted so cruelly? This is in the documentary film by Arkady Mamontov "Old Believers". The film is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the fighter for the faith - the Old Believer archpriest Avvakum. Based on documents and facts, we will tell you in detail about the history of the church schism. Filming took place in the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, in the Historical Museum on Red Square, in the Russian Archive of Ancient Acts. Our film crew visited the impenetrable Kerzhensky forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where more than 100 years ago there were sketes of Old Believers who decided to find solitude with God and nature. And also in the native village of Archpriest Avvakum Grigorovo and in Veldemanovo - the birthplace of Patriarch Nikon. In the Kirov region, after hundreds of years, the real patriarchal pre-reform Rus' has been preserved, untouched by world progress. We recorded an interview with the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, Metropolitan Korniliy, and leading secular historians. And we asked ourselves the question, will we - brothers in faith, ever again pray together in love and harmony?