Tikvara hunting ground near Bačka Palanka. The hunt is starting, but not just any hunt. Hunters don't have guns, they use only natural instinct, claws and beak. For some, this type of hunting is cruel, for falconers, hunting with birds of prey is the most natural way of hunting. The bird fights for its prey and only it benefits from it. This was once the privilege of kings, today it is a sporting discipline. Falconers say that it is the most humane type of hunting, because both the bird and the prey have equal chances. They note that a hawk or eagle must attack between five and ten times so that they don't go hungry at night and that each of their prey has a better chance of surviving than being caught. Why is this type of hunting important? How do humans and birds of prey get closer? What does a man give her if in return she only enjoys her flight and her freedom? Author: Đorđe Slavković Editor: Gorislav Papić Label and copyright: RTS Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and posting on other channels is prohibited!