I accidentally saw interesting information about emulsion tubes on one of the automobile forums. I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to the author of the article under the nickname "acher" - for the published material. Links to interesting discussions: https://forum.azlk-team.ru/index.php?... - !!! http://forum.teoria-dvs.com/index.php... - !!! https://vk.com/pages?oid=-60937161&p=... https://www.drive2.ru/b/2882303761518... https://www.drive2.ru/l/34796/ More about tubes here: http://2126.ru/old_content/articles/o... http://www.limon-auto.ru/karb/trubka_... We will talk about emulsion tubes, or rather, about their modification, in particular, the Solex carburetor. --- In the story I tried to express my thoughts and opinions based on the information collected, the facts noted and the analysis and conclusions made. If I made a mistake or made an inaccuracy in something, please correct me. This published material in no way claims to be the ultimate truth! Everyone has the right to their own opinion. - - - 0:00 - Preface 3:28 - Operating principle 8:32 - Refinement of the emulsion tube 10:31 - Sealing of holes in ET 13:00 - Annular grooves 13:58 - How they boil with and without grooves 15:21 - Emulsion tubes ARE REMOVED!!! 20:50 - Refinement of the carburetor