This is the most compassionate demon-slaying radio show in Japan─── This program will feature the charms and latest information of the TV anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba," which began broadcasting in April 2019, delivered by Hanae Natsuki, who plays Tanjiro, and Shimono Hiro, who plays Zenitsu. Internet radio station <Onsen>, Aniplex official Youtube channel: Updated every Wednesday AbemaTV: Updated every Saturday [Corner introduction] ▼Futsuota We are looking for regular letters. Please send us anything, such as your expectations for the anime, your thoughts on the program, or messages to the personalities. ▼Selection for joining the Demon Slayer Corps This is a corner where listeners who want to become demon-slaying swordsmen can send in their special skills and what they would be able to do if they joined the Demon Slayer Corps. Please send in your special skills, from those that seem useful, such as "having a good nose" or "being stubborn," to those that seem useless at first glance. ▼Pray for long-lasting good fortune Tanjiro trains every day with the goal of "turning his sister back to human and avenging his family." I'm sure that listeners of this program also have goals that they are working hard towards every day! In this corner, the two personalities will wish you all good luck and encouragement for your goals! Please send in anything, from grand dreams to small goals. [We are currently accepting letters!] For details, please visit the official WEB radio page! https://www.onsen.ag/program/kimetsu Program email address: [email protected] Program hashtag: Kimetsu Radio ----------------- TV anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" Official website: https://kimetsu.com/anime/ Portal site: https://kimetsu.com/ Official Twitter: /kimetsu_off