I've received a request, so I'm uploading only the audio! I've increased the volume and adjusted the balance! If you compare it to the original, you'll notice that the fakery is different because there's no dialogue. Please compare the two lol. I've received a lot of questions, but I'm singing in the original key. ◼️Hacchan / @hacchaan Singing videos: All by me [Related channels] ・Osamintinus III / @osamintinus3sei (A gaming channel. The videos I upload are quite unique, so if you want a clean image, please don't watch.) ・[Official] Osamu's Clippings / @-osamu-kirinuki (For those who don't want to bother watching the streams, they have clips of only the funniest scenes) [Links] ・Twitch: / osamintinus3sei (Basic streaming is done here) ・Twitter: / osamintinus ・Instagram: / osamu_3sei (I pretty much leave it alone, I upload photos whenever I feel like it) ・Osamu's LINE Stamps (120 yen) https://store.line.me/stickershop/pro... [Paid member content] 490 yen per month, members-only posts (this is the most common. I use it like a sub-account on Twitter) ・Osamu's Relaxed Radio (Example EP1. The origins of the channel EP2. Guest Skeleton Man) ・Members-only videos (rejected videos and videos before editing are uploaded as is) ・Unreleased Osamu's cover songs (only the audio of the SMAP medley he sang in the past and various others) ・All live broadcast archives ・Register for member-only badges and stamps here↓ / @osamintinus3sei [BGM and sound effects] Official sponsor https://audiostock.jp [Business contact] [email protected]