'Elbow pain' is common among those who often lift heavy objects, housewives who cook with heavy pans, and office workers who work a lot with keyboards and mice! It can be a disease commonly called 'golf elbow' or 'tennis elbow'... If the pain is severe, you should go to the hospital and get treatment, but it is only okay for a short while, and unless you quit your job, it is likely to relapse again! For those people, we have gathered together stretching, massage, and muscle strengthening exercises that will help with elbow health if you do them regularly. If you repeat these three movements every day as a routine, you will have healthy elbows in no time. 'Song Young-min's Correct Posture Creation' that corrects bad posture by occupation and situation - Uploaded every Saturday at 7 AM - If there is a topic you would like to see covered in 'Song Young-min's Correct Posture Creation', please suggest it. We will answer any questions you have through the broadcast. -If you found the video helpful, please subscribe, like, and set notifications. It would be a great help. -Song Young-min Posture Research Institute website http://www.iposture.co.kr YouTube channel / @songyoungmin #elbowpain #wristpain #elbowexercise #golfelbow #tenniselbow #lateralepiglottis #medialepiglottis #elbowstretching #wriststretching #armstrengthtraining #correctposture #goodlife #Song Young-min Posture Research Institute #Song Young-min