Logun Edè is a divine force representing the fruit of the union between Oxum and Oxóssi, sharing with the Universe the vigor and spirit of the Father and the sweetness and delicacy of the Mother. Lord of fishing, Logun Edè will be the indicated force to reinforce your projects of material progress, concentration and focus. Considered one of the most beautiful Orixás, Logun also favors beauty care in balance. Logun oh akofá! Loci Loci Logun! A special prepared with much love and axé to help you make an offering to the Orixá you want to connect with. Remember that these suggestions are chosen considering simplicity, low cost and no animal sacrifice. If the offerings in your Terreiro are different, do not worry, because for Olorum, all it takes is for a man to remember that he has axé, and the Orixás strengthen us. This video aims to share a little of our experience here at Universo de Luz. We do not intend to encompass the countless mysteries of each of our themes, but only invite you to look at them from our simple perspective. If you have any questions, comment on the video! It will be a joy to share this knowledge! Follow us on our social networks: Facebook: /grupounivers. . Instagram: /grupouniver. . Check out our website: http://universodeluz.com.br/ You can also send questions, suggestions and queries to our email: [email protected] Let's multiply light together! ✨????⭐ With love, everything is possible!