We asked Aramaki Yoshihiko and Umezu Mizuki during a short break in the recording. Q. What will you be doing in 20 years' time? Behind-the-scenes shots of Wada Masanari and Tanaka Ryosei in costume! [Members] Aramaki Yoshihiko (Twitter: / ara_mackey) Wada Masanari (Twitter: / masanari6) Sato Ryuji (Twitter: / ryuji7117) Umezu Mizuki (Twitter: / mizukiumetsu) Hashimoto Shohei (Twitter: / hashimotoshohey) Tanaka Ryosei (Twitter: / ryousei_tanaka) ■■■■■■■ Check out the activities of the six below!! ■■■■■■■ Nippon Television [Rokunin Yoreba Neighborhood Association] ★Official website: https://www.ntv.co.jp/rokumachi/ ★Official Twitter: /rokumachi_ntv #Rokunin Yoreba Neighborhood Association #Rokumachi#Making of #Grandpa's Neighborhood Association#Magic tricks in a costume