Continuation of the subject of objections (when the parties do not know how to support the evidentiary bases). This is important when it comes to refreshing the witness' memory or in case of challenging credibility. Legislative act 03/02, by reforming constitutional article 250, gave way to the accusatory penal system in Colombia, which is regulated by law 906 of 2004. In the new criminal procedure code there are articles such as article 347, which deals with interviews, statements or expositions before the oral trial, in order to challenge credibility. Similarly, article 392, literal d, indicates that the judge can allow the use of reports or documents to help refresh the witness' memory. But for this, there is a precise dynamic for them to be used in the oral trial, it is not in any way and rigged. Therefore, there is the possibility of objecting, when the evidentiary bases for doing so are not established.