⭐️ THE SONG OF THE SOUL ⭐️ ⚠️ I will NEVER contact you directly to offer you guidance! But you can contact me 😉 Introduction: 0:00 General energy: 1:17 The challenge: 2:51 The contribution of the period: 4:51 Activity/Professional life/Daily life: 6:55 Relationships: 17:17 The relationship to abundance: 26:05 ⭐️ Links to the different playlists: / @lechantdelame5243 ♥️ For personalized guidance or support: [email protected] 🌈 💰Your donations are always welcome! Thank you so much for your contributions 🙏 https://paypal.me/natalieberridgecoach ~~LEGAL DISCLAIMER~~ Intuitive guidance is for entertainment and personal development purposes. It is not a substitute for consulting a health, legal or financial specialist. The user is solely responsible for his or her decisions.