Be the first to watch the premiere episodes of "Applies to Everyone" on the "Inter" TV channel at 6:00 p.m. ------------------- Violence in Yulia Roslyk's family in the village of Yabluneve in the Kyiv region was noticed by fellow villagers 2 years ago. Neighbors see Julia with bruises almost every day. Even the eighth month of pregnancy does not stop her husband. Yulia does not recognize Serhiy's bullying and justifies him in every possible way. Meanwhile, Serhiy's mother is ashamed of his cruelty and believes that her son should be treated in a hospital. Instead, Julia's mother forgives her son-in-law's violence. Frightened women or annoying neighbors. In the "Applies to everyone" studio, we will try to find out why the fear of a man is stronger than the fear of losing one's own health? ------------------- "It affects everyone" - a television project that changes life. "Applies to everyone" - a television project that changes lives. Subscribe to the channel "Касается жеговского" on Youtube – / telecastsk "Касаеться гегосво" on Facebook – / inter.sk Official page of Andrey Danilevich – / andriydanilevich Subscribe to the channel “Inter” on Youtube – / intertvua Official page of “Inter” on Facebook – / inter.ua Website of the "Inter" TV channel - https://inter.ua/ru/