Ricardo Nunes (MDB) and Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) faced off this Friday (25) in the last debate of the electoral campaign, on TV Globo. Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) made a high bet on the suspicions of corruption involving the administration of Ricardo Nunes (MDB) and the mayor himself during the debate on TV Globo. To this end, he cited Nunes's involvement in cases such as the daycare mafia, repeated throughout the campaign, and made an effort to convince voters that the mayor has something to hide. Nunes, on the other hand, once again emphasized radicalism, as he understands that this is a point of wear and tear that his rival has difficulty in gaining ground in specific segments of the electorate, especially those close to the right. Subscribe to TV Folha https://goo.gl/EBg4ag Read more on Folha http://www.folha.com.br Instagram / folhadespaulo