Some time ago, the social media world was successfully made excited, with the spread of a voice recording that allegedly contained a conversation between Farhat Abbas and Denny Sumargo. The reason is, in the recording, the two of them were clearly heard discussing Novi's bad attitude. Suddenly, it also managed to trigger a heated discussion. Now, the chaos of the spread of the recording has reached a new stage, considering that Denny Sumargo and Farhat Abbas have both made police reports to thoroughly investigate who was behind this chaos. Interestingly, this polemic seems to have also reached the ears of telematics expert Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat. To the Cumicumi team, Abimanyu also shared the results of his analysis. So, what are the results of telematics expert Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat's analysis of the recording of the conversation between Farhat Abbas and Denny Sumargo that is now widely spread in cyberspace? And is it true that Abimanyu has managed to find out who the recorder is? #dennysumargo #farhatabbas #cumciumidotcom --- --- For Business Inquiries/Endorsement contact: [email protected] The most complete, hottest and latest collection of gossip news videos today about Indonesian celebrities Official Website: http://www.cumicumi.com/ Follow us on social media Facebook: / cumicumidotcom Instagram: / cumicumi.com_insta Twitter: / indigo_cumicumi WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaHO...