The KPK also conducted a search at the home of PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in Kebagusan, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (7/1/2025) night. KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto said the search was carried out until 24.00 WIB. Tessa said that from the search, investigators confiscated evidence in the form of notes and electronic evidence. Previously, the KPK conducted a search at the private home of PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in East Bekasi, Bekasi City, West Java, on Tuesday (7/1/2025). Watch more in the following video. Writer: Haryanti Puspa Sari Scriptwriter: Hanindiya Dwi Lestari Narrator: Hanindiya Dwi Lestari Video Editor: Destri Abdi Saputro Producer: Adisty Safitri Music: Blue Screen Of Death - The Soundlings #KPKGeledahRumahHasto #KPK #HastoKristiyanto #ClarifyHope This article can be viewed at: https://video.kompas.com/watch/181739...