In 2020, Digimon fans were surprised by yet another incarnation of Digimon Adventure, but this time it wouldn't be a continuation like Tri or Kizuna, but rather A COMPLETE REBOOT of the first series! Between poorly positioned Omegamons, a lot of unexplained Deep Lore, and one or two moments that were worth enjoying, the most important thing we got out of this series was the experiment of how to make A TERRIBLE Digimon Anime... My Links: ????Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/qualquerrafa... ???? Instagram: / Qualquer.rafa ????Become a member and support the channel: / @qualquercoisa ????Support with Pix: https://livepix.gg/qualquerrafa -- Chapters -- 00:00 Intro 00:08 The concept of a Reboot 05:08 Omega's Dilemma 18:31 Reinterpreting the Adventure 37:49 The Lore of the Void and the Void of Lore 46:22 Weightless Philosophies