0:00:10 1. Variants of transport processes through the membrane 0:02:19 2. Schematic diagram of transport processes in a plant cell 0:07:24 3. Diagram of transport systems in a plant cell 0:08:38 4. Ion transport systems. Primary transport 0:09:15 5. Three types of adenosine triphosphate from a plant cell 0:10:08 6. The structure of the H-ATPase (hydrogen adenosine triphosphatase) protein of the plasma membrane 0:14:57 7. H-ATPase of the tonoplast 0:19:29 8. Formation of electrogenic potential on the plasma membrane and tonoplast 0:27:44 9. ABC transporters (transport proteins that use the energy of adenosine triphosphatase hydrolysis to transport a wide variety of chemical agents across membranes) 0:30:25 10. ABC transporters: structure and function 0:33:26 11. Ion transport systems. Secondary transport 0:43:02 12. Two strategies for iron uptake by plants 0:43:48 13. Strategy for iron uptake by plants. Strategy 1: activation of plasma membrane hydrogen adenosine triphosphatase. Iron is reduced and transferred across the membrane by a specific transporter 0:46:01 14. Strategy of iron absorption by plants. Strategy 2: ensures absorption of trivalent iron due to the formation of special chelating compounds (phytosiderophores) 0:48:20 15. Ion transport systems. Passive transport 0:54:51 16. Potassium transport systems in plant cells 1:03:32 17. Potassium functions 1:09:16 18. Water exchange in plants 1:11:50 19. Water in a plant cell 1:13:24 20. Osmotic phenomena