Between 1920 and 1945, a significant partisan phenomenon emerged in Korea, capitalised on by various factions, including the Korean Communist Party led by Kim Il-Sung. Over the course of these two and a half decades, various clashes took place in the north of the Korean Peninsula, such as the Battle of Pochonbo, but also numerous actions in the province of Gando in Manchuria, a region inhabited by Koreans very close to the border with the Soviet Union, where the project of the 88th Brigade of the Red Army, which would be key in the birth of North Korea, would gradually take shape. Xavier Boltaina i Bosch, author of a thesis on Kim Il-Sung's Korean guerrilla in World War II, as well as a graduate of the University of Pyongyang after having lived and been in North Korea on up to 13 occasions, will speak to us about the Korean partisan phenomenon that fought against Japan. Channel videos related to Korea: Annexation of Korea and Battle of Namdeumun 1907-1910: - • Annexation of Korea and Battle of Namdeum... Kim Il-Sung's Guerrilla in Manchuria, Korean partisans in World War II: - • Kim Il-Sung's Guerrilla in Manchuria... American Expedition to Korea 1871: - • American Expedition to Korea 1871 Kim Il-Sung's Guerrilla in Manchuria 1931-1945: - • Kim Il-Sung's Guerrilla in Manchuria... Myeongnyang 1597, thirteen Korean ships against 200 Japanese: - • Myeongnyang 1597, thirteen Korean ships... Support me on Patreon: - / eurasia1945 My website: www.eurasia1945.com