Training YOUR CAR WITHOUT SECRETS!: https://url.gratis/RQ9xFa THE AUTOMOTIVE MANUAL: https://url.gratis/6K3piu Follow me on Instagram: / carupoficial Also like the Facebook page: / carupdicasautomotivas Become a member of this channel and GET EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS! / @carupdicasautomotivas For more information, lectures, sending advertising material or products for demonstration, contact us by email: [email protected] Kleber Willians Ferreira, Mechanical Engineer, specialist in automotive mechanics by SAE Brasil (Society of Automotive Engineers), presenter of the CAR UP Dicas Automotivas Radio Motor channel on Aparecida FM radio. Professional in the automotive industry, specializing in combustion engine performance and failure analysis and effects in automotive projects (FMEA), professor of automotive mechanics in face-to-face and online courses, speaker, carrying out various technical training in the automotive segment, from product training to lubricating oil, for technical consultants in dealerships, mechanics or gas station networks. #suspension #shock absorbers #springs #noise #tiredsprings #car #maintenance noise in the rear suspension creaking in the rear suspension creaking in the front suspension cricket noise in the suspension noise when passing over speed bumps noise in the front suspension of the palio noise in the front suspension onix dry knock in the suspension signs of problems in the suspension noise in the rear suspension dry knock in the suspension signs of tired spring front suspension noise how to know if the suspension is bad how to know if the shock absorber stop is bad front suspension components how to test the shock absorber manually how to know if the shock absorber stop is bad bad shock absorber makes noise burst shock absorber what happens hard shock absorber new shock absorber is hard how to test motorcycle shock absorber locked shock absorber how long does a spring last how to test suspension springs broken spring symptoms tired springs corsa shock absorber springs broken spring what to do best brand of automotive springs shock absorbers and springs shock absorber has validity shock absorbers have a useful life of how many km shock absorbers price shock absorber installation price how to know if the shock absorber is bad how many shock absorbers does a vehicle have prices of shock absorbers for cars what is the best shock absorber