One of the most iconic animated series on television, The Simpsons shaped generations with its irreverent humor and social satire. However, in recent years, viewership has declined considerably, leaving many wondering: What happened to The Simpsons? In this video, we explore the main reasons behind this decline, from changes in the quality of the scripts to the impact of new streaming platforms. If you were ever a fan of Springfield, this analysis will make you reflect on how a series that defined an era has faded into the present. FOLLOW ME ON MY OTHER NETWORKS ???? ►Instagram: / soycesarandre ►Twitter: / soycesarandre ►Facebook: / soycesarandre ► YouNow: https://www.younow.com/soycesarandre ► Twich: / soycesarandre SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ???? ►Paypal: https://paypal.me/soycesarandre