A long-awaited new series by Takeyuki Kubota, "A Shiny Time", which began in 2022. What is "A Shiny Time"? There are no night games. This is a series where you aim for sea bass only from sunrise to sunset. Restrictions that are incomparable to the previous series, Perfect Journey, were activated. The fifth episode is the Yoneshiro River, which flows in the north of Akita Prefecture. The shooting period overlapped with the fall of sweetfish season, and each point entered while looking at the map was a perfect fit, making it one of the best episodes in fimoTV history. We kept walking and kept walking, and we came across a total of nine sea bass, including rankers. It was an expedition that made us realize the importance of "fishing with our feet". [Sponsor] Megabass https://www.megabass.co.jp/ Tenryu https://fishing.tenryu-magna.com/ Yamatoyo Tegus (FAMELL) http://yamatoyo.com/ [Production] https://www.fimosw.com/