In 2022, Takeyuki Kubota's long-awaited new series "A Shiny Time" What is "A Shiny Time"? There are no night games. This series aims to catch sea bass only from sunrise to sunset. Restrictions that are incomparable to the previous series Perfect Journey have been implemented from this time. Will the Mayfly series that he produced himself be sealed away?! The first installment of the memorable "A Shiny Time" is a large river flowing through Oita City, Oita Prefecture. In bad conditions that can never be said to be good tides, we will search for sea bass under the dazzling sun without prior information and without a guide! [Sponsor] Megabass https://www.megabass.co.jp/ Tenryu https://fishing.tenryu-magna.com/ Yamatoyo Tegus (FAMELL) http://yamatoyo.com/ [Production] https://www.fimosw.com/