A particularly large amount of wind power is produced in northern Germany, while a particularly large amount of electricity is consumed in the west and south of Germany. If one follows the supply and demand principle, electricity should actually be significantly cheaper in the north, at least on windy days. So far, however, electricity costs the same everywhere in Germany, because the Federal Republic has a uniform electricity price zone. Many EU countries find the uniform German electricity price zone unacceptable. For example, they would prefer to only import the cheap electricity from the north and not pay a cumulative, often higher total price. A process will soon be set in motion that will decide whether Germany's uniform zone can remain in place: At the end of January, the grid operators will present a report on the future division of the electricity market, which the EU regulator ACER initiated in the summer of 2022. After that, the EU member states will have six months to unanimously decide on a solution. What happens if the states do not agree and why the decision has such far-reaching consequences is explained in this podcast episode by Klaus Stratmann, chief reporter for climate and energy at Handelsblatt. To the commentary: Abundant electricity - Germany is facing a new problem https://www.handelsblatt.com/meinung/... We are also switching to the USA for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). This is the world's technology trade fair, where consumers can marvel at the technology of tomorrow. Last year, for example, there were hospital robots, transparent televisions and headphones that can transmit sounds through the skin. Our Silicon Valley correspondent Philipp Alvarez de Souza Soares took a look at the innovations that the CES is presenting this year. To the article: Nvidia, AMD, Arm - When will the semiconductor party end? https://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/... Presented by Nele Dohmen Produced by Lukas Teppler *** For all listeners who would like unlimited access to our digital Handelsblatt content, our "Winter Special" now offers a great opportunity: you can read for four weeks for just one euro and you could even win something. Curious? You can find out more at https://www.handelsblatt.com/winter Help us to continue to improve our podcasts. Your opinion is important to us: www.handelsblatt.com/zufriedenheit If you have any comments, questions, criticism or praise about this episode, please write to us by email: [email protected] We can now be reached on WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram at the following number: 01523 - 80 99 427 More information about advertising https://cmk.handelsblatt.com/cms/arti...