Sławek, inspired by the reconstruction of KXF, decided to make his own project. Its basis was the new art 2021. I invite you to a short conversation with Sławek from which you can get to know him better and what his project looked like. The Project Partners are: Lobo Moto http://bit.ly/FB_Lobo Kawasaki Polska https://bit.ly/KawasakiPolska CST Tires http://bit.ly/FB_Lobo Polisport https://bit.ly/PlastikiPolisport FunnelWeb https://bit.ly/Filtry_FunnelWEB Inter Cars https://bit.ly/InterCarsPL I'm Inter Motors https://bit.ly/ImReadyEU SM Stickers https://bit.ly/SM_Stickers CeraKote Moto Polska https://bit.ly/CeraKoteMotoPolska Promotional Link for ET-Racing lamps ✅ http://bit.ly/Rabat_ET_Racing Instagram: http://bit.ly/Kozi_insta http://bit.ly/Tomski_insta http://bit.ly/Lobo_insta http://bit.ly/Kuba_insta2 http://bit.ly/Plocho_insta Shop: http://bit.ly/ShopBMS Facebook: Film producer http://bit.ly/FB_BMSvideo Service, quotes, technical questions http://bit.ly/FB_Lobo Training http://bit.ly/2S5Dipo #bikebuild #kxf250 #projektkxf