Spaceship differences, weapon differences and upgrade arrangement - Everything you need to know in No Man's Sky on all platforms ► Genre(s) ● Action-Adventure, Open-World-Game, Survival Developer: ● Hello Games: https://hellogames.org/ ► Program Calendar: https://kalender.digital/b5d1384c0acc... ● Android APP (https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...) ● iOS APP (https://apps.apple.com/de/app/kalende...) ► Games list: https://bit.ly/315mvgs Social media: ● Twitter: / ingem07051987 ● Discord: / discord ● Instagram: / hannibal07051987 #nomanssky #ps4 #playstation4 SHAREfactory™ https://store.playstation.com/#!/de-d... 00:00 Intro 00:10 Ship Basics 02:49 Shuttle 03:51 Explorer 04:53 Fighter 05:50 Hauler 06:47 Exotic 07:39 Solar 08:29 Living Ship 09:53 Interceptor 11:20 Weapons Introduction 11:48 Missile Launcher 12:16 Photon Cannon 12:31 Sentinel Cannon 13:16 Cyclotron Ballista 13:40 Positron Launcher 13:52 Phase Beam 14:19 Infra Knife Accelerator 14:35 Weapon Upgrades 15:20 Bobblehead Figures 16:44 Upgrade Layout 17:27 Boost Slots 18:00 Closing remarks