Preparations for the New Year are underway all over the country, including the annual end-of-year "soot-sweeping" ceremony at Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture. A bamboo pole about 4 meters long is used to sweep away the dust that has accumulated this year from the main hall. The annual end-of-year "soot-sweeping" ceremony was held at Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture, the head shrine of "Ebessan." A total of 24 people, including priests and students, scrubbed away dirt from pillars and walls that are usually out of reach. Meanwhile, at Chion-in Temple in Kyoto, a test run of the bell was held on New Year's Eve, attracting many visitors. The majestic sound is produced by one of the largest bells in Japan, measuring 3.3 meters in height, 2.8 meters in diameter, and weighing 70 tons. Every year on New Year's Eve, the bell is rung 108 times to sweep away worldly desires for the year. "I'm glad the sound was loud. (Were you surprised?) Yes." "It was so moving that it made my body tremble." "(Q: What kind of year has this been?) It's neither good nor bad, but I think that was the best thing about it." According to Chion-in Temple, you can freely visit the temple on New Year's Eve without making a reservation in advance. ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and special features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #Hyogo #NishinomiyaShrine #Ebessan #Sootsweeping #NewYearsEveBell #TestRing #Chion-in Temple #MBSNews #MainichiBroadcasting