Support our work ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv Discuss in the Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/ Guest in the studio: Nils Melzer, Swiss legal scholar, diplomat and author. He was appointed Special Rapporteur on Torture by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2016 and wrote a report on the investigative journalist and political activist Julian Assange in 2019. We talk about his investigation into the Assange case, the ongoing trial against the Wikileaks founder and the German government's treatment of Assange. 0:00 Start 2:48 Torture & prohibition of torture 1:25:26 Biography & career 1:50:18 The Assange case 3:06:26 Questions from the audience Please support our work financially: Account: Jung & Naiv IBAN: DE854 3060 967 104 779 2900 GLS Gemeinschaftsbank PayPal ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv #Assange #FreeAssange #Wikileaks