Animals that changed the world. Where it's all covered in honey. When humans began domesticating animals in ancient times, they had to establish contact with each of them — emotional or psychological. Our ancestors took into account the most important features of a wild animal before making it their ally and assistant. Are cows and goats herd animals? So, let's create conditions for them in which they can live among their relatives. Does a dog need communication from puppyhood? So, let's start raising it right after birth. But what should we do with those animals with which it is simply impossible to establish contact because we are too different from them? But our ancestors coped with this task, domesticating even insects. The next episode of the cycle is dedicated to an amazing creature — the honey bee. Which was also included in the list of animals that changed the world. Speaker: Nikolai Drozdov. #livingplanet #bee #nikolaidrozdov