This time we get to know the battles of Major Nikke, or Nikolai Pärm's Separate Battalion 21, in Eastern Karelia in the fall of 1941. Pärm's battalion was founded in Riihimäki in August 1941 and men from various prisons in Finland were recruited into it. Pärmi was chosen for the position of commander because of his good knowledge of people and his sense of humor. During the founding phase of the Pärm battalion, the majority of prisoners came from Sukeva, Pelso and Köyliö prisons. The battalion's war did not start well, because during the first weeks, a hundred men defected to the side of the Red Army, the main part of them were, according to Pärm, "creeps". As the war continued, the men of the battalion mastered fighting skills, which enabled them to take over the villages of Semsjärvi and Kumsa with a quick attack, without the support of heavy weapons. Many legends have been told about Pärm and probably some of them are true. According to one story, new prisoners entered Pärmi's battalion in January 1942. Pärmi walked in front of the new men and asked his adjutant why this man had been in prison. At every man's house, Pärm asked the same question; What is this man dehnyd, when he is dänne dullud? For the first man, the adjutant said; The man has a two-year sentence for burglary. To this Pärmi said; This man is welcome to the Bioneer team! Regarding the second man, the adjutant said of the man; this man is an official who committed embezzlement. Parmi said; Döpinää, döpinää as assistant to the mooniddaja. For the third man, the adjutant said; This man has a twelve year sentence for murder! At this point, Pärmi looked at the man for a moment and said; Luulemba, you don't have to die here. I have processed the photos in the video with image processing programs. #Pärmi #Erillinenpataljoona #Suojärvi #Onkamus #Mundjärvi #Porajärvi #Juustärvi #Mäntyselkä #Kumsa #Semsjärvi #Tsopina #Karhumäki #Lumbusi #Poventsa #Vadrusjärvi #Hiisjärvi #