Laura Meizani or also known as Lolly finally appeared in public for the first time since being picked up from her apartment on September 19, 2024. Laura looked calm while undergoing an examination related to the alleged child abuse case allegedly committed by Vadel Badjideh. And interestingly, Laura's presence was not accompanied by her mother Nikita Mirzani, which immediately received a sharp sarcasm from Razman. So what was Nikita's response to this? Is it true that Nikita and Laura's relationship is still not good? #nikitamirzani #lolly #cumicumidotcom --- --- For Business Inquiries/Endorsement contact: [email protected] The most complete, hottest and latest collection of gossip news videos today about Indonesian celebrities Official Website: http://www.cumicumi.com/ Follow us on social media Facebook: / cumicumidotcom Instagram: / cumicumi.com_insta Twitter: / indigo_cumicumi WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaHO...