Nicolas Sarkozy has not been President of the Republic for more than 10 years. But the man who once created a Ministry of National Identity is everywhere this fall, on the occasion of the publication of the third opus of his memoirs. He no longer does politics but advises and represents Emmanuel Macron abroad. He remains a reference for a LR right in tatters four years before the presidential election. A member of the board of directors of the Lagardère group bought by Vincent Bolloré, he defends the appointment of a far-right editor at the Journal du dimanche ... and continues to use the words of the far right while claiming to fight it. And then there are the cases, documented by Mediapart for years, this very big elephant in the room that many in his political family, but also in the media, do not want to see: the first former president of the Republic sentenced to prison, indicted in several cases, including that of the Libyan financing of his 2007 campaign, he is only at the beginning of a long judicial journey. For Nicolas Sarkozy, the time of reckoning has come. And for a president who has lied a lot, the time for truth has perhaps arrived… Our guests: Fabrice Arfi, Mediapart Ellen Salvi, Mediapart Pierre Lascoumes, emeritus researcher, author of “The Moral Economy of the Ruling Elites” Simon Grivet, lecturer in American history and civilization, University of Lille Mediapart has only one financial resource: the money from its subscriptions. No billionaire shareholders, no ads, no state subsidies, no money paid by Google, Amazon, Facebook… Independence, total, undeniable, comes at this price. To help us enrich our video production, support us by subscribing from 1 euro (https://abo.mediapart.fr/abonnement/d.... If you are already a subscriber or would like to support us in another way, you have another way to act: donate ➡️ https://donorbox.org/mediapart?defaul...