Spring of the New Year - a symbol of prosperity, love and happiness, is always expected and welcomed with an open heart... let's welcome Spring with writer Nguyen Ngoc Ngan and artist Ky Duyen with beautiful feelings and memories in Thuy Nga Paris ???? The most attractive video is in this link ???? http://channel.thuynga.online/haynhat/ FOLLOW THUY NGA PARIS BY NIGHT: ☞ Facebook: / thuyngapbn ☞ Thuy Nga Youtube: http://channel.thuynga.online/ThuyNga... ☞ Hai Official: http://channel.thuynga.online/haioffi... ☞ Thuy nga Radio: http://channel.thuynga.online/ThuyNga... ☞ MC Nguyen Ngoc Ngan Youtube: http://channel.thuynga.online/NguyenN... ☞ Website: http://www.thuyngashop.com ☞ Website to buy products in Vietnam: http://www.thuynga.online