A special interview with Kobayashi Chikahiro, who plays the protagonist Sugimoto Saichi in the TV anime "Golden Kamuy," and Tsuda Kenjiro, who plays the lone sniper Ogata Hyakunosuke, will be broadcast on April 30, 2022 in "Information 7days Newscaster." We bring you a long version of the interview with the two that didn't fit on the broadcast. In addition to the appeal of "Golden Kamuy," you can also hear the two talk about secrets that can only be seen in this video! Please enjoy the exquisite harmony of "dried persimmons" and "monkfish hotpot." #NCast #TsudaKenjiro #KobayashiChikahiro #GoldenKamuy #MitaniKoki #AzumiShinichiro #AraiErina #TBS