Thank you for clicking this video Dulur - Dulur. The collection of music on this channel I downloaded from several YouTube sources and I edited it into one music album, for Indonesian music fans to enjoy. Image and Music Source SUBSCRIBE ADELLA / @hennyadella6077 #adellaterbaru2024 #adellaterbaru #nyawiji #adellalive #adellafullalbum #adellaterbaru2024fullalbum #omadella #omadellaterbaru2024 #omadellaterbaru2023 #omadellaterbaru #omadellaterbaru2024fullalbum #difarinaindra #difarinaindraterbaru2024 #difarinaindraadella #difarinaindrafullalbum #difarinaindraterbaru #fullalbumadella2024 #adelladifarinaindra #adelladifarinaindraftcakfendik #omadellafullalbum #laguviral ???? NOTE: ▶️This Channel is NOT MONETIZED. ▶️SORRY if there are ads in this video, because the music in this video is claimed by each copyright. ▶️This video is for entertainment purposes only, none of the images/music created here are owned by us. Hopefully it can be useful for Indonesian music fans???????? Thank you for supporting this channel. Don't forget to like, comment, share & subscribe to the Ruang Dangdut Full YouTube channel and turn on the notification bell for notifications of the latest full album videos from us. ©Reapluad Music 2024