In New York, in the heart of one of the largest train stations in the world, lies a city within the city. Every day, nearly a million people pass through the hall of this movie set. A train arrives at Grand Central every three minutes on nearly 70 tracks. An extraordinary station, a symbol of the American dream, which we will discover behind the scenes. For several days, we followed Dan, who reveals to us one by one all the secrets of this monument, the 6th most visited in the world. Our cameras also accompanied Jesus, a police officer stationed at Grand Central for 13 years. He has become a real star in the last few months. The police officer is taking his first steps on screen: he plays the role of an inspector in a successful American series. The other star of the station is French: Jacques is one of the most famous French chocolatiers in Manhattan. He prepares the Easter holidays in his shop in Grand Central. To be ready, he must complete thousands of orders. For more documentaries and reports - Subscribe to @ICONTVDocs ????https://bit.ly/3Wji7o2 #reportage #travel #newyork