A difficult anguish is coming, but so is Justice. Evil has a limit Learning to deal with your anguish brings relief Impotence is not helplessness Have people who support you Accepting impotence relieves sadness ==================================== DR. CESAR'S PRODUCTS 👇 💍 AUDIO-BOOK AND MARRIAGE SEMINAR 👉 https://www.doutorcesar.com/casamento 🧠 CLARAMENTE COMMUNITY: Be a Part of It! 👉 https://www.doutorcesar.com/comunidade ===================================== JOIN: 💡 WHATSAPP GROUP: https://www.DoutorCesar.com/WhatsApp 💬 TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://www.doutorcesar.com/telegram ✉️ JOIN MY EMAIL LIST: https://www.doutorcesar.com/lista 🌐 DR. CESAR'S WEBSITE: https://www.DoutorCesar.com 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @claramentent =====================================