Expected participants: Everton Santos - Director of the Department of Standards and Logistics Systems Andréa Regina Lopes Ache - Standards Coordinator Diego Mendes - General Coordinator of Purchasing and Ticket Systems Mateus Teixeira - Analyst Watch the webinars held by Seges and have access to support materials - https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br/aces... Access the new page for consulting contracting processes - https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br/aces... Learn about the regulation page for Law No. 14,133/21 organized by topics - https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br/nllc... Find out what's new on Compras.gov.br for Law No. 14,133/21 - https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br/aces...