A laid-back and deep esports radio show hosted by XQQ and crow, updated on the 9th of every month. In this episode, the two seniors take an in-depth look at the new roster members hiroronn and Yuran. 🐱XQQ - / iamxq 👿crow - / no960fps ✨hiroronn - / hiroronnsann 🍊Yuran - / yuranjp 00:00 Opening talk04:07 Hiroronn's gaming history09:05 Yuran's gaming history15:03 What made you decide to apply to the academy21:31 About Hiroronn's departure from ZETA24:42 What kind of person is Yuran? 30:53 What Coach Crow thinks are good about the two 36:31 About communication with Coach Carlao 44:15 Ending talk ⚡ZETA DIVISION X - / zetadivision Instagram - / zetadivision Web - https://zetadivision.com/ Store - https://store.zetadivision.com/ 🤝Partners Nissin Foods - https://www.nissin.com/jp/ JCB - https://www.jcb.jp/ LEVEL∞ - https://www.pc-koubou.jp/pc/game.php ZENAIM - https://zenaim.com/ BenQ ZOWIE - https://zowie.benq.com/ja/index.html Herman Miller - https://www.hermanmiller.com/ja_jp/ #ZETADIVISION