The second phase of the Synod on the Synod is proceeding but not at full speed. At times the Vatican press room is almost empty. Despite this, the synodal technique seems to be gaining ground: allowing two opposing visions to confront and clash in order to then arrive at a possible synthesis, which can only be the affirmation of the synodal spirit. Consider the female diaconate: recently removed from the synodal agenda by Pope Francis himself who had previously included it among the hot topics to be discussed, it returns to the press room with a very strong protest from Sister Mary Barron, while criticism is being raised by other movements accusing the Synod of ignoring women. Also noteworthy, outside the synodal agenda, but no less synodal, are two pro-LGBT+ events: the one organized in the Jesuit curia by Fr. James Martin, in the presence of some cardinals and the nomination as cardinal of the Dominican theologian, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, a great apologist of homosexual love, blasphemously justified with the Eucharist. Where does all this lead?