The New Skills Fund 3 (https://www.serviziconfindustria.it/i...) is a public fund created to allow companies to adapt the skills of their employees in the fields of digitalization, environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and, more generally, in the field of innovation. Through this important strategic tool, companies have the opportunity to finance the training of workers whose working hours are reduced in exchange for participation in skills development courses. Objectives and Intervention Topics 1. Support the adaptation of skills in response to the challenges of the digital and ecological transition. 2. Promote innovation in company organizational and production models. 3. Promote the training of workers and unemployed to meet the needs of the labor market. The training projects - lasting a minimum of 30 hours and a maximum of 150 training hours for each worker - must cover the following topics identified as strategic for new corporate and professional competitiveness: 1. Technological and digital systems 2. Introduction and development of artificial intelligence 3. Sustainability and environmental impact 4. Circular economy 5. Ecological transition 6. Energy efficiency 7. Corporate welfare and organizational well-being What funding do companies receive? The hourly wage, net of costs borne by the worker, is financed by the FNC for an amount equal to 60% of the total. The costs relating to social security and welfare contributions for the hours dedicated to training are reimbursed at 100%. The funded salary quota is equal to 100% in the case of workers hired, after the date of publication of this decree and before the start of training, with a high-level training and research apprenticeship contract (III level). The funded salary quota is equal to 100% in the case of unemployed, for at least 12 months, hired after the date of publication of this decree and before the start of training. In the case of participation of unemployed selected by the company, the latter will receive a contribution of 800 euros, in exchange for at least 70% of permanent or apprenticeship hires by the submission of the balance. Who can access the Fund? The Notice is aimed at private companies (including those with public participation) that have signed collective agreements for the remodulation of working hours, aimed at training. In addition, incentives are provided for the training of newly hired personnel. Servizi Confindustria Bergamo, in collaboration with the Employment and Social Security area of Confindustria Bergamo, is available to prepare the union agreement (reserved for companies associated with Confindustria Bergamo) and evaluate the professional needs useful for training planning in line with the requirements of the Call.