The new Remetinec rotor cost 335 million kuna. It seems expensive to me, but since I don't deal with economic issues but with cars, I was more interested in how it would look and function. In the first 2 hours after the new rotor opened, there were 2 crashes, while on the old rotor the average crash was 1 crash per day. The new rotor is designed in the following way - CHOOSE A DIRECTION (LANE) BEFORE ENTERING THE ROTOR AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE LINE THROUGH THE ROTOR!!! If everyone followed this, there would never be any problems on the rotor, I am personally satisfied with the way traffic is organized, a small complaint about the tunnel lighting and the lines drawn when the outer track branches into 2. Watch the video and everything will be clear to you! Instagram - @matko.theengine e-mail - [email protected] Like, share, subscribe!