Hosted by Uya Kuya, Garis Tangan is the most unique reality show for finding a partner by revealing the other side of the past of the prospective partner with the help of two experts. The experts are indigo children, Rudi Ruach and hypnotherapy expert, Arbi Alfarisi. A total of 31 female participants and 31 male participants who were selected through auditions will be involved in each episode. Garis Tangan ANTV Eps 47 (1/4): • New Record! No Male Participant... Garis Tangan ANTV Eps 47 (2/4): • This is What Really Happened to My Bro... Garis Tangan ANTV Eps 47 (3/4): • Mother Comes to Beg Aldo to Be Able to F... Garis Tangan ANTV Eps 47 (4/4): • Stunned! Aldo Hears Susi's Confession!... #garistangan #garistangatheseries #sinetronantv Livestream 24 Hours: https://www.antvklik.com/livestream Website: https://www.viahub.id/ https://www.viacreativehub.com/ Now a variety of your favorite shows on ANTV can be watched anytime in the palm of your hand. #ANTV #ANTVofficial #ANTVKlik #ANTVLovers ANTV,Garis Tangan,Uya Kuya,Rudi Ruach,Mysticism,Matchmaking,Mystery,True Story,Reality Show,Indigo,Hypnotherapist,hand lines,hand lines antv full latest episode,hand lines uya kuya,hand lines antv latest,antv,antv crowded,antv klik,antvofficial,antvlovers