???? Annual courses for the 2025 Unified State Exam with an MSU mathematician: https://3.shkolkovo.online/math-msu ???? My Telegram channel for preparing for the Unified State Exam: https://t.me/mathmsu ???? Free intensive courses on the specialized Unified State Exam with an MSU mathematician: https://mnlp.cc/mini?domain=mathmsu&i... ???? My Telegram channel on mathematics from grades 5 to 11: https://t.me/pavlikovmath ???? VK group: https://vk.com/hitman_math ???? Tik-Tok: / hitman_math ???? Instagram: / andreypavlikov_math Timestamps: 00:00 The collection was released only in November 01:09 Task 1 Trapezoid 02:45 Task 2 Dot product of vectors 03:09 Task 3 Cylinder and cone 03:46 Task 4 Probability theory 05:35 Task 5 Complex probability theory 08:59 Task 6 Exponential equation 09:49 Task 7 Logarithm 11:06 Anecdote behind the scenes 11:36 Task 8 Graph of the derivative of a function 13:10 Task 9 A problem with practical content 14:44 Task 10 A problem about movement on water 19:35 Task 11 Graph of a hyperbola 22:39 Task 12 Minimum point of a complex function 27:00 Task 13a Trigonometric equation 31:36 Task 13b Selection of roots using double inequalities 36:30 Task 14a Stereometry, proof 41:23 Task 14b Stereometry, calculations 46:45 All stereometry is pure plane geometry 47:14 Task 15 Exponential inequality 1:00:23 Task 16 Problem on a loan, annuity payments 1:10:12 Task 17a Planimetry, proof 1:14:53 Task 17b Planimetry, calculations 1:19:51 Task 18 Parameter 1:36:43 Task 19a 1:41:30 Task 19b is as difficult as 19c 1:50:02 Task 19c is as difficult as 19c* 2:00:56 Let's sum it up #egee2025 #mathematicsmgu #yashchenko #mathematics USE 2025 USE in mathematics Profile USE Yashchenko FIPI Official collection of training options 36 options profile mathematics Option 1 Preparation for the profile Unified State Exam in Mathematics Problems 1-19 First part Second part Planimetry Trapezoid Midline Vectors Scalar product Stereometry Cylinder Cone Volume Probability theory Incompatible events Opposite events Product of events Bernoulli's formula Exponential equation Logarithm Formula for the difference of logarithms Derivative Graph Minimum point Irrational equation Text problem on movement on water Hyperbola Asymptote of a hyperbola Study of a function Derivative Complex function Exponent Extremum Trigonometric equation Trigonometry formulas Formulas for abbreviated multiplication Selection of roots on a segment Selection of roots using double inequalities Triangular pyramid Relations Menelaus' theorem Exponential inequality Interval method Economic problem Credit problem Annuity scheme Rhombus Inscribed circle Property of tangents Problem with a parameter Graphic method for solving a parameter Linear function Module Area of a figure Number Theory Even Odd Estimation plus example