The "Ainori Train Journey" that transcended party lines, featuring Shigeru Ishiba of the Liberal Democratic Party and Seiji Maehara (then of the Democratic Party for the People), aired in May 2018. The setting was the Echizen Railway Mikuni Awara Line in Fukui Prefecture. They rode the local line, enjoyed local ingredients and local sake, talked about regional revitalization, the future of Japan, and even discussed the upcoming LDP presidential election this fall! What was the resolve that the two shared on the edge of the cliffs at Tojinbo? (Part 1) [From BS NTV's "Deep NEWS" broadcast on May 10, 2018] 🚊Please subscribe to our channel🚊 / @ntv_tetsudobu ◇NTV Railway Department SNS X (old Twitter): / ntv_tetsudobu ◇ [Latest news now being streamed LIVE]NTV NEWS HP https://news.ntv.co.jp #railway #train #carriage #track #route #transportation #rail #JR #subway #conventional line #ordinary #each station #limited express #rapid #Bullet train #station #ticket gate #train #express #station #news #Ishiba #Maehara #Echizen Railway #New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru #New President #LDP #Presidential election #Train lover