Enemies don't understand how they glow... In this video we'll talk about a new bush that we managed to find on Fisherman's Bay, playing from the upper respawn, from which you can glow the MTs in the center and give information on the movement of enemy TTs. Find me here: Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/62286bbf7d72... Trovo (streams here) https://trovo.live/ToT_CaMbIu_CEZAR Rutube https://rutube.ru/video/person/24539954 VK group https://vk.com/tot_cambiu_cezar Telegram https://t.me/totcambiucezar Odnoklassniki http://www.ok.ru/group/57853471227940 Subscribe to my second channel https://clck.ru/M4Kqr Tank setup (Field upgrades and equipment) https://clck.ru/comeE My mods (installation video) https://clck.ru/NcTZw Almost free PC and XBOX games (New) https://clck.ru/MYkJa Music: KURT - CHEEL #worldtanks #tanks #lighttanks #positions_for_lt