The conference was organized within the Technical Academy of Czech Television, which was prepared in cooperation with Czech Television and the companies DISK Systems, Vizrt, JVCKENWOOD, Havision, Canon, Lumens, Hitachi Kokusai, Telos Alliance, Stream Circle, Netgear and CESNET. At this event, which focuses on new IP technologies in video production and online streaming, the experiences of Czech users and system integrators in specific installations and operations in which these technologies are already used were presented. The latest news and current innovative products of the presented manufacturers that use these IP technologies were also presented. This event offered a unique opportunity to meet with practical users as well as experts and representatives of manufacturers of new audio and video IP technologies. Venue: Czech Television, VPS-1 hall, Na Hřebenech II 7, 140 70 Prague, Date: Wednesday 29.11. 2023 In the article on DISK magazine, you can also download presentations in PDF: https://magazin.disk.cz/cs/live-video...